Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Bevie Visits

Bevie, my mom, came to visit us for a week. We were so excited to have her here!!
Jake and I got to get out on our own and Spencer got another hair cut (minus the screaming like the salon experience), lots of attention and pretty much what ever he wanted! Bevie taught him several of the ABCs and he's gotten good at recognizing A, B and O. Now he thinks Bevie did and taught him everything he knows. I'll ask him why his hair looks so good and he lets you know, "Bevie cut the Spencer's hair." Jake asked him the other night how he knew something and he said "Bevie do it." Thanks Bevie for a nice week! We look forward to visiting you and Papa for Easter.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

18 months and the Children's Museum

Today Spencer is 18 months old!!! It's so hard to believe it's been a year and a half since he was born! Wow it's amazing how much they change in that amount of time! He is such a funny boy. He keeps us laughing with all the things he says and does. Just today we were at Costco getting several things, two being wipes and toilet paper. As I'm getting the items he announces to everyone, "Toilet paper for mama's bootie and wipes for Spencer's bootie!" Lovely huh! And NO I did not teach him that!
He also dressed himself the other day. One sock
and a bib! Very stylish!!

Saturday we enjoyed a day at Richmond's Children's Museum. "Museum, Yea!!!" That's what Spen said the whole ride there. I know he didn't really know what it was, but I guess he figured it must be something great. It is such a fun place! Spencer had a blast running and playing everywhere. He held his own with the big kids and strutted his way into the "grocery store" and "restaurant". We had a blast.