Sunday, June 20, 2010

OMA visits

We have had a busy June. We were excited to have Oma come visit! The boys were thrilled to have another playmate and a fresh new audience. While Oma was here we went one many adventures and had some adventures right here at home.

Fun times at home.....



Spen admiring his fruit cookie that Oma helped he and Campbell make.


Fun at Belleview Park.....

Patiently (not really, don't let the picture fool you) waiting on their turn to ride the train.

The boys loved the train rideS!

We met our friends Rachel, Brandon and Mollie to have a picnic and play.

They had fun eating Popsicles, while at the same time changing their white shirts to red. I swear we should be on a oxyclean commercial for that clean up.

Campbell midway through his red "sickle"
Fun bird watching....

to be continued....

Friday, June 4, 2010

Woo Hoo Look Who's TWO!

May 29th 2010

It's my birthday! It's my birthday!

Campbell is in LOVE with buses. So, for his birthday bash we hired the FUN BUS to entertain the masses and help celebrate my little man's day. He had a blast.

We had a few set backs the morning of the party....

We lost several balloons due to wind as well as one flower pot. Thankfully no children blew away in the 40+ mile an hour winds that day.

Jake called from the cake store and said there was NO cake!! What?! The cake people had the wrong date. Thankfully they fixed the problem and had the cake ready in 20 minutes.

And in grand CAMPBELL FASHION he fell off our front steps and landed on his head! Why is it always his head! Thankfully after a squeeze and a kiss he was fine and off to play.
We had a great time celebrating! We love our Crazy Cuddly fireCracker Campbell!!


Campbell May 29, 2009

Campbell May 29, 2008