After Christmas in TN we headed for West Point, MS, to visit my family. Spencer's going to get the idea that Christmas is a two week long gift getting session. We had a great time with my family and were so happy to get to be together. It seemed like forever since we were all in one spot. I'm always amazed at how well Spencer remembers every one's name and knows what couple goes together. He such a genius! :)
We enjoyed our traditional Christmas Eve which includes going to the church service and then to my Aunt Judy's for dinner. There were tons of kids and gifts at Aunt Judy's so Spencer was in heaven. We were very pleased with how he did during the hour long church service too. I was very nervous, but he sat well eating cracker and listening and talking. He loved when we sang and would say "sing song" after everyone was quite. If only we or the choir could have sung the whole time! He saw my parents in the choir and stood up and said "Papa, Bevie, Kiss it" and then blew them kisses. He lasted the entire hour and I was so grateful! This is a pic of our sweet little family in front of the church on Christmas Eve.

Thanks to Uncle
Carlisle we have some great pictures of our time in WP. Spencer got so accustomed to
Carlisle taking pictures he would often stop and pose. Spencer still talks about Papa's arm,
Bevie giving him ice cream,
Carlisle and Katie taking him outside and Betsy tickling Santa with him.

Once again Spencer had to cause a little excitement by locking himself in my brothers room. It was funny and scary at the same time. We couldn't get the door unlocked so we decided to take off the door knob. In order to unlock it we needed Spencer's side of the knob to stay intact. But, Mr.
Spen took that side off. We told him to put it back and he tried so hard to get it back in the right place. It was funny to watch him through the hole trying so hard to help. Finally, Jake got the door open by using a credit card! Spencer thought it was all great! He enjoyed helping Daddy put the door knob back together.

Bevie convinced me to let her put Spencer's pack-in-play in her room for the entire time we were there. I was a bit nervous about it because like I've said before, Spencer's not a great night sleeper.
Bevie, Papa and Spencer did just fine and I got several full nights of sleep!
Spen loves getting up in the bed with you when he wakes up in the morning.
Bevie and Papa, I hope you don't mind me putting these pics up. I thought they were sweet.

One afternoon after a lunch out I heard Spencer in the back of the car saying, "Papa's arm" I turned around and found him pretending to have an arm like Papa. He's too cute and smart! He came up with that all on his own.
Spen is sporting his new jacket his Papa gave him!

We were excited to get to see our cousin, Julia Kate, and her three boys, Bailey, John Douglas and Ethan. The boys all had fun together. Spencer had a blast watching them run wild. We attempted to get a group shot...it was rather difficult. Spencer now talks about them all the time.

We had a fun family filled time! Just the way we like it!!!

Morning Hair!

We had a wonderful time and I enjoyed having so many helping hands with Spencer.
Bevie and Papa for taking such good care of us all.