Sorry for the delay in blogging...... I've been busy :) he is...........

On May 29
th at 9:52 am we welcomed
CAMPBELL AUGUSTUS SEYB into the world. He was a month early, but oh so perfect. The doctors were impressed with his weight and Mama and Daddy are thrilled with what a healthy little man he is.
Campbell weighed 6 pounds, 2 ounces and was 19 inches long. He has a precious dimple in his chin and appears to have one on his right cheek also. He has much more hair than his big brother Spencer had a birth.

Oh so tiny.
Spencer is doing well with the newest addition. Some days he prefers to ignore Campbell other days he kisses on him. Spencer's amazed that Campbell can't really do much.
Spen's comment, "He can't talk and he can't even walk!"

We are blessed to be home and healthy!!!!!!!