This year I am thankful for..........
This Thanksgiving we traveled to Wichita Falls, TX to spend the holiday with Jake's mothers side of the family. We flew to Dallas and then drove three hours. We anticipated the traveling day to be hard, but were pleasantly surprised with our good traveling kiddos. (The flight home was a little more difficult....Campbell was fussy and Spen wet through his diaper and kept telling the stewardess that he was wet and needed to change!)
We had a fabulous time in TX! Aunt Linda had loads of things to entertain the 7 kids. Spencer called her house the "fun house." Every morning he was ready to go to Aunt Linda's fun house. I was excited Spencer got to play with all of his cousins. Campbell enjoyed watching and attempting to grab every ones hair. Unlike his brother, who is not pleased with the hair pulling, the other kids just thought it was funny!

The boxes were a huge hit.
Boys will be boys. The only ones missing here are Campbell and the one and only girl! They were likely inside loving on each other!
Carson and Spencer working hard. they are. Campbell and Elizabeth making each other laugh.