I'm so behind on posting our summer adventures. Better late than never. Here's one late post of many!!

Bevie and Papa came to see us mid August. Bevie had her trip planned in advance and Papa wasn't going to be able to make it. But, a week before Bevie's trip out Spencer realized that Papa wasn't coming and got so up set. He call my parents and told them "I'm so sad my Papa isn't coming." What that boy wants that boy gets! Within hours Papa had his flight booked!!!

On Saturday we strolled down Denver's 16th Street Mall. The weather was perfect. Spencer had a blast as always. He also got a lesson on what a mortuary is! I was driving and Daddy was helping me with directions. He told me to turn at the mortuary. Spencer from the back seat screams "Papa Papa what's a mortuary." My Dad either not hearing or not listening didn't comment. Spencer repeated himself over 100 times. Papa finally answers with, "Oh that's where you go see dead people." We got to laughing so hard Spencer thought he was the funny one. He kept saying "mortuary. mortuary. mortuary." just trying to get a laugh. The child loves new words!

16th St. Mall

And of course no visit is complete without playing with the tractor! I think the boys and Papa all got a good nap that day.
Papa had to chase Campbell down to get a picture with him. That child is NEVER still!
Papa had to leave to get back to work for Monday. Here Spencer is giving him a proper "Spencer" goodbye...cry cry boo hoo.....

Bevie got to stay the entire week with us. We were thrilled to have her! We stayed busy.
A morning at the library.

It sure was nice having an extra helper at the library. It was once such an easy outing for us. No more. Campbell loves to run - hide -run - take tons of books off the shelves - run some more - laugh his head off as I have to run get him!

Spencer loves checking out his own books and returning them.
A day in Boulder, CO.

Boulder had the best artsy stores and a free train ride for the kids!

We had such a fun day!! A fun filled day despite the wrong turn onto campus that got us stuck in move in traffic and even though I took the same wrong exit
twice on the way home! Thankfully the kids napped during the little bit of extra time it took to get home.

This is Mary Elizabeth and her cute little girl L. We grew up playing with her in West Point until she and her family moved when she was in the 5th grade or so. Mama found just before coming to CO that she lives just south of me!! Small world! Of course we had to all get together! We had a great time with them!
Spencer had a blast being Bevie's tour guide during their special evening walks. Here he is at one of the stops along the way. I loved that after the walks he would request Bevie for bed time duty!!

Thank you mama for helping me get my den looking better than ever, keeping the boys while I got my hair did and for your yummy cooking. I had so much fun shopping, talking and just being with you. Its fun to have a fun mama!
Not sure Mama thought it was much fun when it came to helping us get through the airport!!! We all headed to the airport together. Bevie heading back to WP and the 4 of us heading to Nashville then to KY for Jake's Iron Man race. We had a bag for each of us, a car seat, mamas bag, three carry-ons, a double stroller and a bike case. Yes it was ridiculous and yes we needed it all!! We got to our gate just in time to board the plane. We kissed Bevie good bye and boarded the plane only to sit there another hour waiting on a pilot. Bevie headed to the bathroom to strip down and cool off from burning up after all the chaos of getting us through the airport!

We had a great time!! Come back soon!!! We promise we won't make you get us through the airport again. Well, unless we
really need you!