Opa was here too!! He visited us back in February. I'm just so lazy at blogging lately it didn't get posted.
But after posting Oma's visit I thought I would do a flashback.....
Early Feb 2010...
Kansas was playing in Boulder in early Feb, Opa's b-day to be exact, and Jake was so excited to get to take his Dad to the game for his b-day. Thankfully they won!!

The men all visited Jake's job site while I got a girls day!!

Most days we were up to our normal routine with the added plus have having Opa to play with the boys. And boy do they keep Opa busy playing! But one morning we visited Hammond's Candy. It's a candy factory where they still hand make everything. yummm!!
Opa and Spen heading in for our tour of the factory.

They of course have a candy store. Keeping little hands off everything was tough. Opa bought them each a huge sucker to make them happy.

Watching the candy being made.

I get cracked up at how little Campbell looks here.

We had a fun time having Opa visit. Looking forward to having him come again very soon.