Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Our Girl - Eigth Months

Izzy you are so much fun!

At 8 months (7-17-12) you are a crawling pro.  You started officially crawling right after you turned seven months.  You pull up on anything you can and cruise!  You can even stand for a little bit on your own.  You have strong legs for standing for sure!!
You are saying "mama", "daddy", "ahhdu"~all done, "mua"~more, "hi", "hewo"~hello "guyguy"~byebye.  You are pretty consistent with these words.  You are so good at trying to imitate us. You have said a few other things once or twice (uhoh, out, no, go,down).  You make your speech pathologist mommy proud!!  Your brother, Spencer, had 9 words at 9 months and he is anxiously waiting to see if you "beat" him!

Other tid bits...
-you are wearing 9 and 12 months clothes
-we are still able to stuff you in a size 3 diaper
-not sleeping through the night anymore, bummer
-you clap when we ask you to. it's slow and so cute
-you love baby food and eat 3x a day but that hasn't slowed down your nursing
-you have two bottom teeth and seem to be getting the top
-when we sing to you, you sing along

You ADORE your brothers and they LOVE you like crazy.  My favorite thing in this world is watching the love between you three. You cuddle and hug on Spencer and laugh and play with Campbell.  
"I'm so glad we got THIS baby girl."  "We got the best baby in the world" -Spencer
"Who's the cutest baby girl in the world? You. You. You." -Campbell

You love your Daddy!  "Dada" was your first word.  You love to "pat" a.k.a slap his head and give him kisses.  He thinks you are the prettiest smartest little girl ever.

As much as you love everyone you are a mama's girl and I love it.  You follow me around and love to be on my hip "helping" me.  I love you and know we are going to have such a fun time together. 

You wave and smile at EVERYONE!  It's precious  It's so fun to take you out and about.  You get all kind of comments. "Now how could you not smile at that baby!" was one recently.  I feel like that everyday.  Just today I heard, "OH MY now this is a 'trouble' baby.  She is trouble for all of us mama's who are done having babies and they we see her and want more! "
I pray you are always as happy and joyful.

You are our sunshine. 
You are our promise from God.   
You are uniquely and wonderfully made.
We love you!