We went for our ultra sound this past Tuesday. We took Spencer with us and he did really well. He sat in Jake's lap and gave a play by play of everything the Tech was doing. The Tech said, "Well, he doesn't miss a beat."
Jake and I said "BOY" before the technician had a chance to say it. I have yet to see a ultra sound of a girl, but when it's a boy you know it's a boy! The baby's profile looks so similar to Spen's ultra sound pics. So this house is going to be full of men who all look a like! :)
Baby boy #2 rubbed his little head and face and is adorable and loved already.
Unfortunately, they found what's called a choroid plexus cyst. We have very high hopes that it will just disappear as many of the CPC's do. We are praying that it goes away and he is healthy and happy. He will be loved tremendously no matter what. He's already being bombarded by kisses from his big brother.
We had a celebration with balloons and signs for the baby on Wed. night. Spencer loved the balloons and knows that they are for the baby so he kept pushing them up to my belly so the baby could play! So sweet!
1 comment:
Wow! That ultrasound picture is so clear! That is a cute keepsake. We love having the girls so close in age. I still think this one is a girl and will love that! Although it would make the room situation a lot easier if it were a boy!
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