Spencer and Caroline had a blast playing together.

Spencer below with his good buddy Wells.

Spencer would have sat and watched the gravel trucks all day if we had let him.

With the help of Bevie we flew to Denver on May 8th {Mine and Jake's 4th anniversary....Happy anniversary honey!:)} We got to work fast getting our new home set up. My mom is a mad women when it comes to decorating and getting it all done! Thanks to her the new house looks GREAT. We couldn't be happier with the house and neighbors. Spencer has had a blast in his playrooms, back yard and with his new friends.

Playing with the neighbors.

Spen and Bevie building a play house out of a few of our many packing boxes.

We had a wonderful Mothers Day. Bevie and I were able to have a day out to ourselves. It was a treat! I feel so honored to be Spencer's Mommy and extremely blessed to be the daughter of the best Mama that I know.

On Friday May 16th Jake and I headed out to meet my new doctor. As we walked through the threshold of the OBGYNs office I began to bleed. Unfortunately, with this pregnancy I have what's called placenta previa. This condition can cause bleeding and can be very serious to both me and baby. Up to that point I had not had any complications what so ever. So, needless to say I was scared to death! Thankfully we were in the right place! Since that Friday here I sit in the hospital on bed rest. This has been the hardest thing ever for me. I don't mind watching TV and reading all day...but not being able to see my Spencer Man is complete heart ache. I have been able to see him a tiny bit each day. But, a 20 month old in a hospital room is tough. He wants to roll me in the bed and push every button in the room! We are so blessed that Bevie was here when this all began. She and Jake have their hands full with me and Spencer. They are both doing an exceptional job switching out caring for us both. We hope that I will be home in a few days on bed rest and we will likely have our new addition here at the end of the month or the first of June!! Life is so unpredictable!

The other day Bevie told Spencer that they were going to come see me. Spencer said, "Let's go see Mama's pretty legs." Is he my CHARMER or what!!!! He always makes me laugh!
Spencer and Mama showing Daddy how little baby brother is going to be.
What a story!!! And what a sweet boy! I love the "pretty leg" comment!! You get that rest you need. Right now our scheduled day is the 29th. We had to move it because of a K5 program we don't want to miss at Katheryn's school! I will be thinking of you all this week!
Try to relax and rest. You will be busy, busy, busy, soon enough. I am anxious to get there and help as soon as I can. See you Saturday.
Spencer is such a sweet boy and I am sure he will be and even sweeter older brother. We love you and are thinking about you!
Hey Katherine- Spencer is just adorable. Best wishes with the new one on the way. Can't wait to see pictures.
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