He's cooing and smiling and still a sweetie. He has gained quite a few rolls on his legs, chin and arms. He's now 11 pound 4 ounces.
He loves to be naked! I swear this child is going to be a streaker.

Our visit to the doc today was quite an adventure. Spencer went through two suckers faster than I had expected. Campbell was crying his head off and turning red as a beet as the nurses poked him attempting draw his blood to check for jaundice levels (which are fine). Then of course he had to get the excessive amounts of immunizations that they give kids now. I'm sweating bullets getting annoyed with these nurses poking my baby and look over and find Spencer with my lip gloss all over his face. I said "Oh Spencer what are you doing!" His comment, "Spen man just brushing his teeth with Mama's lip stick." Of course the nurses were laughing so he was very pleased with himself. We left with one sticky-lip stick covered Spencer, one screaming Campbell and one sweaty Mommy! Lesson learned for next time....have Daddy go too, take a shower AFTER the doc visit and don't forget the camera!

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