(Spencer at 4 weeks old)
He weighed a big ole 8 pounds, 14 ounces and was 21 inches long. He was such an easy pregnancy, labor and birth. Once he entered the world "easy" has never been a word used to describe him! :) He is a very smart, particular, stubborn and sparkly kid. And he has been that way since Sept 9 of 2006!
He's been so excited about his party. The day before his big day he sat down at the little kids table and told me that he was going to just sit and wait on the party! He keeps me laughing! Spencer singing "Happy Birthday to Spencer"
In some ways he seems so much older and wiser than a two year old. Jake and I have to remind ourselves sometimes when Spen gets whiny that he IS just turning two. He is just so smart and vocal it's like having a big kid around. If we could just rid him of his diaper he may really fool us with his age! :) Just the other day I was asked our address and Spencer told the lady himself!!

We had a fun party for him over the weekend. We had a birthday painting party. The kids had so much fun painting pictures and making a mess. I think Spencer's favorite part was when we all sang happy birthday to him. He was so proud!
Before the festivities began!

Time for fun!

Today for his big #2 birthday we went to visit Daddy at work. Spen loves to go to his office. We hung out a little around the office and then enjoyed a lunch out with Daddy. On the ride downtown I was talking to Spencer about the day he was born. His comment, "Spencer pushed the button in Mama's belly and then popped out and then the doctor hold Spencer." He's pretty much got it. If only if were as simple as he made it sound we Mama's would all be so grateful!!
Spencer loves "helping" Daddy at work. Notice he has his very on hard hat!
Before we headed downtown to see Daddy, Spencer got to do whatever he wanted while I got us ready. His choice.....drawing on his belly!!
We celebrated again at diner with a few more gifts and of course MORE cake!!!
He sang to himself all day long!! He's so proud to be TWO!!
I couldn't post without adding a pic of our youngest little man. Campbell enjoyed the party too! He got passed around from person to person and didn't mind it a bit.

1 comment:
Happy Birthday Spencer!!! Love the twos! And he is already an artist like his mommy!
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