I'm way behind in the blogging world...here's an attempt to get caught up...
Santa visited our house early this year so we didn't have to haul toys across the country. Thanks Santa for being so cooperative.
Daddy and Spencer cooked cookies for Santa. Spencer told us that the Reindeer would really like to have some bones to eat rather than cookies. Sorry reindeer Mommy didn't have any. Maybe next year Spencer will let me know the menu before Christmas Eve.

We had a great Colorado Christmas and got to enjoy watching the snow fall all morning as we opened gifts. 
Campbell enjoyed tearing up paper and really liked all his new toys.

Spencer seemed kinda shocked that Santa did come visit and leave gifts. Guess he figured he was more naughty than nice? He loved his race track and kitchen the most. 
Spencer also enjoyed "sharing" Campbell's toys. Merry Colorado Christmas!
Another "tender Tennessee Christmas".
We celebrated Christmas for the 2nd time with Jake's family in TN. This was Campbell's first visit to Oma and Opa's house. He and big brother Spen did great on the flight. Spencer couldn't wait to get to his grandparents house to see Oma, Opa, Aunt Katie and of course PLAY and MAKE A MESS!!

Opa and Spen being silly as usual.

Oma and Spen checking out the angel.

Opening gifts.

Spencer handed out most of the gifts. He was so proud to play "Santa".
The boys with their Oma and Opa.
While we were there we also went to Well's first birthday, I got a night out with Betsy and we rang in the New Year with our friends. It was great to be "home".
Merry Tennessee Christmas!!
We headed further south on Dec 24th to celebrate with my family. The sweetest and most cooperative baby Campbell was under the weather. I think he had a combination of a stomach bug and new teeth coming. So, he wasn't quite himself, but like always he hung in there and made it to all events. Thankfully he got better and was our happy little fellow soon enough. I was excited to get home to see family and friends. It's fun to grow up in a small town. When you go home you get to see people you know no matter where you go!
Spen and cousin Ethan playing Christmas Eve. They are only 5 months apart. Just like their Mama's!

We had a play date with Julia Kate and her boys and Rebecca and her two kiddos. The kids had a blast with the tractor. As you can see the adults had fun with it too!! Of course Papa took Spen to see the real thing!! He wanted to drive it so bad. Papa told him he had to be 16 before he could drive. Spen's response, "But I AM 16!"

Our sweet baby Campbell turned 7 months on Dec. 29. Here he is with Bevie and Papa. He and Papa were too busy reading the morning paper to turn and smile for me!

Zonked! It was one terrific & tiring two weeks!
Merry Mississippi Christmas!