My baby is 8 months old!
I say it over and over, but man it has flown by.
I'm so proud of my little Campbell. He had to enter this world 5 weeks early, but he came out kicking and screaming and as ready for the world as if he was born at 40 weeks. They warned me that they may have to whisk Campbell away after birth. But no, he was perfect! Just the other day someone asked me how long he had to stay in the NICU. I felt so blessed to be able to say that he never had to go. He was treated as if he was full term. What a strong little man!
He continues to be right on track. He's crawling and pulling up on everything. He has four teeth and two that are about to pop through at any moment. I'm have anticipating to see them when he wakes up from nap. Funny thing about his teeth....His top side teeth came in before his top front. He looks like little Dracula. He is babbling, saying "mama" and his favorite sounds to say is "sss". As a speech pathologist I know that's not usually one of the first sounds made. I realized the other day he must be saying "s" because he hears "Spencer" over and over and over. Speaking of Spencer....Campbell adores him! Spencer can do anything and Campbell dies laughing. Spencer's been a big help lately with Campbell and loves to entertain him. When Campbell cries Spen will go to him and say, "It's okay Campbell. Don't cry I'm right here." It often does the trick!
Campbell is also growing like a weed. I feel like he's so small (likely because Spen looked like a linebacker as a baby) but Campbell is growing out of his clothes so fast and is already wearing 12 and 18 month clothing!
Campbell I love your dimples. I love your laugh. I love the flirty eyes you give me when I tell you "no no". I love how excited you get when you see Mama, Daddy and big brother. I love that you are easy going, Mama really needed that! We love you and and are so proud of you. We are so thankful that God chose us to be your Mama and Daddy!
Campbell I love your dimples. I love your laugh. I love the flirty eyes you give me when I tell you "no no". I love how excited you get when you see Mama, Daddy and big brother. I love that you are easy going, Mama really needed that! We love you and and are so proud of you. We are so thankful that God chose us to be your Mama and Daddy!

He's a smiley man!

1 comment:
PRECIOUS!!!! They grow too fast!!! Ellen is just starting to scoot now. She still rolls everywhere. I am ok with that!!! Can't wait to see you!
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