We had a great time with Oma and Opa. It was crazy weather with snow and blizzard conditions one day, 50 degrees the next and then snowing the day after that. You never know what kind of weather you are going to get here in Colorado. Opa was able to come a few days early. It was nice to have another adult to be stuck inside with during the blizzard. Spencer loves silly Opa and enjoyed playing with him and telling him what and what not to do. We spent one day watching the Blizzard and worried about Oma getting here the next day. Thankfully Oma got here just fine. Another Mama in the house to help put all the men in there place and help (without direction) in the kitchen!! Thanks Oma and Opa for coming to visit and entertaining and loving our little men. We had a fabulous time.
Oma brought Wheat grass and a few other seeds for Spencer to plant and watch grow. He loved planting and of course LOVES watering them each day. See the cute hat baskets Oma found to put them in. We can't wait to see green!

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