10 Year Reunion!!!!
A crew of us stayed at Shadowlawn Bed and Breakfast. It's a beautiful antebellum home right next to the "W". Two whole nights of sleep without having to deal with a baby in wee hours of the night. I couldn't wait!! Not to mention the excitement of spending time with my W girls!!
On a side note...Friday we were to meet up for lunch. Wouldn't you know Campbell woke up that morning with a ugly rash and a fever!!! I mean really my first time away from him at night and he's gonna do this! So that morning I took him straight to the doc and he assured me the rash was nothing to cancel my weekend for. Good trying Campbell man!!
Lockheart Pledge class of 1995 (my 4 yr. social club) -- Some of us anyway.
We did a LOT of eating - talking - and LAUGHING!

Renie, Angela D, Me and Lauren

Me, Lauren and Angela W.
Masker Washboard Band
1998-99 Line
We were such a darn good band!! Wish I could have remembered more songs!!!
We sure missed having Charla, LeAnn, and Jennifer P., but we were so excited 8 out of 11 of our line were able to come.

Angela you crack me up as you always have!! Girl you know you can play those blocks! I hate we didn't get any pics from our time in the nail shop. That was hysterical. Thanks for all the laughs.
Howdy Folks and Welcome to the Masker Washboard Band good time hour. Yall join in now ya hear!