Today at Costco...
Me: Spencer they must be out of broccoli we'll have to get it at Sams.
Spencer: "NO broccoli?"
Spencer: "Shame shame. What a shaaaame. SHAAAAME ON YOU COSTCO!"
Of course those around us were giggling so Spencer repeated himself a few more times. He loves to get a laugh.
This past summer at the post office. Spen and I were in line with numerous other people. Campbell was just about a month old so I think Spen was obsessed with diapers, etc. at the time.(Spencer about 22 months at the time)
Also I must remind you that my child is NOT a quiet talker!
Spencer: "Mama wears a diaper."
Me: (me talking through my teeth trying to emphasize quiet talking) No Mama doesn't wear a diaper. You and Campbell wear diapers.
Spencer: (spencer smirks) "Mama has a pee pee!"
Me: (kneel down beside him) No honey Mama doesn't have a peepee. Shhhh. Look it's almost our turn.
Spencer: "OOOHH Mama has a bootie. "
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