Campbell will be a ONE this Friday! I can't believe it's been a year since that cute little man entered the world. I've been using the "he's too little" to explain why he's not able do several things Spencer would like him to do.
You know like not being able to hold his own ice cream cone in the car

or not being able to ride the tire swing by himself

or not being able to correctly use the hula hoop.

(but he was trying SO hard)
Spencer was going to playschool for a few hours the other week. I reminded him that Campbell was still to little and couldn't go yet (Campbell doesn't get to participate until he's a year). He leaned over to Campbell and said...
"It's okay Campbell. You'll get to come when you are filled up with birthday cake!"
Speaking of Campbell. He is saying more and more. He loves to tickle. He'll go up to Spencer and rub on his arms as he says "tickle tickle tickle" . It's so cute and I think he's realized that we all love it because he does it A LOT!!
He's one cool dude!

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