I loved a recent book we checked out at the library that talked about how much a mama loved her little boy. So many of the sayings she used are the same things I say to my boys. It reminded of the good ole South!
Child I just wanna eat you up. I wanna hug ya kiss ya till the sugars all gone.
I'm always telling Spencer to run and get a spoon cause I'm gonna
Thankfully both of these precious babies let me kiss them more than I can possibly count.

Spen Ben
Spen Man
Sweet Peet

Campbell Man
Sweet Meat
No Matter how old you get or far you roam I'll always be your Mama and you'll always be my baby.
That made me teary! So sweet.
That is precious. Isn't amazing how much you can love your kids?
On a side note. I read the two blogs of the babies that your have links to on your page. Do you know these families? Unbelievable their stories and faith!! Thanks for sharing that.
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