Spencer eating an ice cream cone in the car. I make a sharp turn.
Spencer: "Oh, That was very nervous for my ice cream."
Thankfully the ice cream didn't fall off the cone. Not like it would have made a difference though. He and the car seat were covered in sticky ice cream drips.
I told Spencer..."pull up your panties, I mean undies."
Spencer: "It's okay Mama. You can say that. They ARE panties right now because I'm playing Mama now."
I was so honored he was playing ME because he is always playing Daddy.

Here he is playing "Mama"! Just kidding I SWEAR I don't wear those shoes with that outfit!
The boys love playing with our shoes. I don't know why we bother to even put them back up...oh yeah, we don't!!
The boys love playing with our shoes. I don't know why we bother to even put them back up...oh yeah, we don't!!

Hilarious! Spencer is going to love those pictures one day...especially when Aunt Katie and Uncle C pull them out for a rehearsal dinner!
uh huh..."you don't wear those shoes with that outfit" Sure...if there's one thing I've learned it's that kids are BLATANTLY honest!!!! :) LOL...love ya!
Your boys are too cute! I wasn't able to get your e-mail address from your comment to add you to my blog list. If you are still interested, you can e-mail me at amandatinker@comcast.net. Thanks!
Are you sure he wasn't playing "daddy"?
That's cute...I mean...not that I am calling your child's butt cute...just the post.
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