We had a fun Halloween week. Wednesday we ventured out in the pouring snow to our annual MOMS club Halloween party. The crowd was smaller this year because of the messy roads, but we had a fun festive snowy time.
{party pic to be added}
On Friday night the four of us were invited to a costume party. It was fun getting dressed up with the kids. I hated that I didn't have my mom's attic to dig through for costumes! But, we came up with what I called our "closet costumes". We put a few things together from our closet and taaa daaa a witch and Handy Manny appeared!
I hate you can't see the spiders on my dress.

Handy Manny

and his tools.

We waited till Saturday morning to carve pumpkins. Since they had been covered in snow I wasn't sure they were going to be the greatest. And well, they weren't! One was so hard we had a very hard time getting a knife through it. Sadly I forgot to get a pic of the finished product. We stole an idea from a friend of mine and tried using Jake's drill on one of the pumpkins. We really liked it. It was to small of a pumpkin for a face so we put polka dots all over it. So cute.
Our littlest helper.

Spencer didn't care for the sliminess of the pumpkin insides so he got busy on an art project.

I had fun with the the boys costumes this year. That's mainly the reason mine and Jake's were so low key. I was too busy with the boys attire and costume props. I promised myself last year that I wouldn't buy a pre-made costume this year. I loved when I was little and we'd come up with the outfit ourselves. I had so much fun putting it all together. And talk about cheap!
Felt + cardboard + paint = no more than 6 dollars!!
Felt + cardboard + paint = no more than 6 dollars!!

The cutest UPS and FedEX men you'll ever see!!

I think it all turned out great if I do say so myself. Unique at least.
The Smiths came over early Halloween evening for dinner, cookie decorating and trick or treating. Thankfully the 23+ inches of snow we got on Wed and Thur didn't stop the trick or treating. In fact the weather was great and most of the sidewalks were clear. The kids on our culdesac + a few others in our neighborhood all go trick or treating together. I wish the picture of the herd of kids going door to door had turned out. It was a hoot to see. Spencer had fun and is much more into the idea of candy this year. However, he didn't care for the scary costumes some of the kids had on. I can't blame him. I'm a little freaked by them too. Campbell wanted to go in each house when he got to the door and then wanted to hurl rocks in peoples driveway. I should have dressed him as a vandal!
They came home with a load of candy. I'm doing really well getting rid of it myself. yummm yummm. And unfortunately Campbell has a new found love for dumm dumms and smarties.
Here the kids are cookie decorating and eating. You can add sprinkles to Campbell's list of yummies too. I looked over and instead of eating his cookie he was helping himself to spoonfuls of sprinkles. And yes he was double dippin like crazy in the community sprinkle bowl. Yuck!

Let the trick or treating begin!

Mason, Spencer, Campbell and Riley. One dragon, two delivery men and a ghost!

Reaping the rewards of trick or treating. He chose a chocolate bar and nerds.

wooooooooo went the wind and out went the lights
and 2 little pumpkins went to bed very late on Halloween night
and 2 little pumpkins went to bed very late on Halloween night
1 comment:
Kiss Goodnight, SAM!!!! :) Yes, we know that book well in our house too!
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