I can't believe Campbell is 20 months!
Spencer was 20 months when Campbell was born!! EEEK!

Campbell you are a handful!!
You climb on everything! Climb to get to the top of the counters, to the top of the stove or your climbing just to be climbing. Some how you scale things as if you are a seasoned rock climber. Yes, it scares me to death.
You are not! You do take a good afternoon nap. But, you still like to wake up multiple times at night. I think you just want to make sure we are around. Guess what...WE ARE!!! So stay asleep. Please!!
You talk more and more everyday. You love to try and say everything your brother says - we both know that's a tough task with that motor mouth! Your are putting 2 - 5 word sentences together. And like your brother you love when you make others laugh.
Oh how you love your brother. If you are awake before him you scream "Bubba! SPENCER!" until he either hears you or I give in and go get him up. If you know he wants a certain toy you are happy to give it up when he asks or help him find it if it's lost. I love watching you play together. You're love for each other is so sweet. Then there are the fights .... oh oh oh... I'll just focus on the love for now!!
You think you can flirt your way out of anything. You bat your eyes. You give a sly smile with that cute cheek dimple and then laugh laugh laugh! I think you may just have the raising one eye brow skill like your mama!
You leave an impression
Whoever keeps you always mentions your ACTIVE ways, CLIMBING skills and HOW much they love you! I've even had a few ask if you could wear safety armor next time they keep you!
Comments I hear often
"He's the cutest thing." "I bet you don't have to go to the gym. He's a workout!" "I'm tired just watching him." I've told your Daddy we should advertise YOU as the newest weight loss program! You keep us running and would rather eat MY food verses your own!!
You have been my picky eater. Much more of a mans man when it comes to food. Meat and potatoes you love. Thankfully, you love fruit but I have to be pretty sneaky or creative with your veggies. You also love to "help" me cook. Very "helpful" attached to my hip as I try to cook.

You still enjoy cuddling with Mama and giving love love love to us. You run from person to person giving hugs and kisses. Sometimes your kisses are quite wet. Spencer always wants you to put your pacy in before you kiss him so you don't get him wet!
1 comment:
he is sooo cute!!!! and you Katherine are hilarious...laughing all the way through your post!
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