Spencer's PARTY DAY!!!
PJ's * donuts * Monkey Bizness
Lots of F U N!!!

Spencer with good buddies, Mason and Riley.

This child was a true Monkey. To say he had a blast would be an understatement. He climbed and climbed and slid and slid. He was running around so fast you would just see streaks of orange stripes fly by.

Spencer and Mason. They would slide down right on top of each other and laugh and laugh.


Jake. He was air born about half the way down. I thought he was going to bounce right out. All the adults had a blast and thought an adult party at monkey biz would be great! Several of us came away with burns from sliding. I see why they make you sign a waiver.

Happy 4th Birthday my Spencer Man!!


Spen got lots of fun gifts and had lots of little hands eager to help him open!
A very successful party...done before lunch, no house to clean, one very HAPPY birthday boy.
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