Well, I say funny story, but when it happened it was FAR from funny...to me at least.
My dear friend Lauren gave me a gift certificate to get a manicure/pedicure for my birthday. She set it up for me to get it in DC so she could keep Spencer while I got pampered. So, I go and let 11 months pass and have yet to get my day of pampering. Not that we haven't been to DC enough. I can't count the number of times we have been there, but I just kept forgetting. The gift certificate expired the 1st of Dec and I was determined I was not going to let it be waisted. I was hoping to go on a weekend, but you know how that goes when the holidays start. So, my sweet hubby decided he would take off the Thursday before Thanksgiving and we would go up to DC for a day. I was so excited. Of course the day was just gross. It hadn't rained here in forever, but was pouring the morning we left. And the traffic to DC is never light. Despite the rain and getting somewhat wet crossing the street from my brother and sister-in-laws house to the mall, we were all still happy and enjoying the day together. Jake and I both spotted the spa, Modern Day Spa, when we came in the mall. He and Spen took off walking the mall while I enjoyed an hour of pampering. After my fingers and toes were all done I happily handed over my gift certificate. The girl looked kinda funny and said, this isn't MODERN NAILS. I was confused for a split second and then realized that she was saying that I was not in the right place. I wanted to scream and throw my fingers and toes up on her counter and say just take it off I don't won't it any more!!!!! I guess you can't take back a manicure/pedicure, unfortunately for me. I was just devastated. That was the whole reason we came to DC was so I wouldn't lose my gift certificate. I could have PAID for a spa day in Richmond!!! I was H-O-T hot!! How stupid could I be. I mean who cuts out a coupon for Clorox and picks up 409?? Jake is so laid back he just says as long as you enjoyed it, that's what matters. Well I enjoyed it until I realized that I had to PAY for my manicure/pedicure that I thought I was using my gift certificate for. We found MODERN NAILS told them the story. They were really nice..said no big deal and extended the gift certificate for another year. I guess I should have called and asked them to do that in the first place. Should gift certificates even have an expiration date? I mean it has been paid for?? So now I'm laughing about it all and I am looking forward to my next spa day. I'll be sure to go to the RIGHT place this time!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Feeling Better!
A few weeks ago Spencer thought it was funny to go around saying he was "ick" (sick) and he would do the sign with it too. I'm not sure why he started this, but I think he really enjoyed having me say "You are not sick!" He would laugh and then say Jake or I were sick.

Well low and behold a week later he WAS sick. Of course it was a Sunday and we were out of town. We have been so blessed that Spencer has been such a healthy boy. He's had a fever here and there due to teething or shots, but nothing (until this episode) that truly knocked him down a few days. It was concluded that Spen had an ear infection and they gave him Amoxicillin. Unfortunately for us all we had to fly back home the next day! Poor kid. He was a trooper. He whined a little on the flight and pulled at his ears some, but did amazingly well considering how bad off he was the day before. Once we were home we had a few nights of practically no sleep due to Spencer getting a cold on top of the ear infections. Just as the kid was appearing to get over the hump I noticed a small little rash on his belly. Well in just a few hours the small rash stretched from his neck to his thighs! Yet again it was Sunday!!! We stopped the meds and now know to avoid that one!
So after a week and a half of fever, coughing, VERY little sleep and a horrible rash we are now BETTER and ready for Thanksgiving company! I'm wishing for another 14 months of no illness.....yeah right!!
Here's Spen in his rocker. I found him the other morning strumming the Ukulele. He was singing his all better song!! If there are any of my "W" friends reading you may remember the Ukulele??

Monday, November 12, 2007
Where is Winter?

Well winter sure isn't on my front porch! As you can see in the picture the flowers I planted in June are still growing! I think I'm the only one in our neighborhood who doesn't have mums out for Fall. I just stuck our fall decor out with our summer flowers! I really don't have the time to dig up perfectly healthy flowers, so I'm just waiting till they freeze. I know that won't be fun to deal with, but maybe I'll just make Jake take on that job! :)
For anyone out there that thinks they don't have a green thumb I suggest getting Impatiens. These flowers are great! They have survived days of no watering and beatings by Spencer. He thinks he's doing such a great job at watering, but when he's done (or should I say when I pry the watering can from his hands so we can go inside) half of the flowers are on the ground. And yet, they come back and back and back. Who knows maybe they will survive winter...if it ever comes.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007
That's oh so true in this house!
That's oh so true in this house!

The weekend before Halloween we attended a Halloween-Fall picnic with other mom's from the Mom's group that I am involved with. Spencer had so much fun swinging with his daddy...who swings him much higher than I do! He also loved chasing the little girl dressed as Tigger. I think it scared her a bit, but it was too funny. It was a cold day but a nice time.

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