That's oh so true in this house!

We had lots of fun celebrating Halloween this year. We wanted to get Spencer one of those cute outfits that are all one piece and have a hood. But would my little dude wear it, oh no! It was odd because he usually could care less what I put him in and he does wear a baseball cap all the time. But when we put the hood on him he tried to pull it off and instead of coming off it just pulled over his head. He was having none of that! SO, we had a re do and came up with our home made lion "king of the jungle" costume, which was what we always did as kids anyway.

The weekend before Halloween we attended a Halloween-Fall picnic with other mom's from the Mom's group that I am involved with. Spencer had so much fun swinging with his daddy...who swings him much higher than I do! He also loved chasing the little girl dressed as Tigger. I think it scared her a bit, but it was too funny. It was a cold day but a nice time.

On Halloween night we went trick-or-treating with our friends and Spen's little friend, Grayson. Spencer LOVED the wagon ride. We felt kinda funny going up to homes getting candy that we knew we wouldn't feed our kids. We felt like those big teenagers who don't dress up and you get mad that they come to your house asking for candy!!! We did it anyway and the boys enjoyed seeing all the scary things, "ary" as Spencer says. He didn't understand why he couldn't go in each house, but we managed to keep him out! It was a great night and fun to do with friends.
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