Well low and behold a week later he WAS sick. Of course it was a Sunday and we were out of town. We have been so blessed that Spencer has been such a healthy boy. He's had a fever here and there due to teething or shots, but nothing (until this episode) that truly knocked him down a few days. It was concluded that Spen had an ear infection and they gave him Amoxicillin. Unfortunately for us all we had to fly back home the next day! Poor kid. He was a trooper. He whined a little on the flight and pulled at his ears some, but did amazingly well considering how bad off he was the day before. Once we were home we had a few nights of practically no sleep due to Spencer getting a cold on top of the ear infections. Just as the kid was appearing to get over the hump I noticed a small little rash on his belly. Well in just a few hours the small rash stretched from his neck to his thighs! Yet again it was Sunday!!! We stopped the meds and now know to avoid that one!
So after a week and a half of fever, coughing, VERY little sleep and a horrible rash we are now BETTER and ready for Thanksgiving company! I'm wishing for another 14 months of no illness.....yeah right!!
Here's Spen in his rocker. I found him the other morning strumming the Ukulele. He was singing his all better song!! If there are any of my "W" friends reading you may remember the Ukulele??

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