This past Friday Spencer was upset because we forgot his drink when we left the house. I wasn't going to back track to get it.
Me: "Here's the plan. We'll go to the library get your books then go get you a drink at the store and then finish our errands. Does that sound like a good idea?"
Spencer: "NO that does not sound like a good idea. My plan would be to just go to the drink store and head home!"
Yes we stuck with MY plan and he was just fine. Just likes to try and be the boss...sometimes he wins!
Last night I was singing and playing with Campbell. Spencer was riding his bike around the kitchen. (yes the bike was inside--i highly recommend it on cold days!!) Anyway, Spencer preceded to tell me,
Spencer: "Mama I really do not like that song."
ME: "You don't?!" (a little shocked and hurt that he didn't like my made up masterpiece)
Spencer: "Yeah, don't like it, but you go ahead and sing it and be happy"
As ALL the boys were being boys this past weekend I look at Spencer and said..
Me: "Spencer where is our girl?!"
Spencer: (with great enthusiasm and drama he twist around and points at me)
"Mama, YOU are our girl!!!!"
Smart man and he doesn't even know about the point system yet!!

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