Tomorrow I love ya tomorrow you're only a daaaaay aaaaway.
That's been Spencer's theme song when it comes to going poo poo in the potty. It's so annoying because he's being potty trained TT wise for a while now. But when it comes to poo poo it's always,
"It's okay, I'll poo poo on the potty TOMORROW." I keep trying to tell's tomorrow!
Well guess what.....TOMORROW was TODAY!!!!!!
I can't even tell you the excitement in this house when he told me he had to go and he actually did!
He even said, "WOW the toilet paper is so cozy!"
Oh I hope it continues. I sure hope "tomorrow" IS tomorrow again!!
Here's the great prize he got for going poo poo on the potty. This has been sitting way up high on top of our kitchen cabinets for months now. I put it out in the open hoping he would go for the bribe. Finally finally finally finally he got to play with the weed eater!! I ran and got that toy before I even wiped that bootie!

"It's okay, I'll poo poo on the potty TOMORROW." I keep trying to tell's tomorrow!
Well guess what.....TOMORROW was TODAY!!!!!!
I can't even tell you the excitement in this house when he told me he had to go and he actually did!
He even said, "WOW the toilet paper is so cozy!"
Oh I hope it continues. I sure hope "tomorrow" IS tomorrow again!!
Here's the great prize he got for going poo poo on the potty. This has been sitting way up high on top of our kitchen cabinets for months now. I put it out in the open hoping he would go for the bribe. Finally finally finally finally he got to play with the weed eater!! I ran and got that toy before I even wiped that bootie!

LOL :) that brought back memories! Ella Kate said the same thing about doing it "tomorrow".
Too funny! It took Kalei a LONG time to get the whole poo thing. IT was so awesome when she finally did! So happy for Spencer! and mamma too!
Yeah Congrats Girl!!! Big Day for everyone!!! Sure makes life a whole lot easier!
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