Yes, "HE" did. Kinda sad when your child ask each day before nap if the weather is okay and if the tornado is going to wake him up again. We have had 9 straight days of Tornado warnings.
Enough is enough!!! I'm hoping blue skies will be smiling at me from now on.
That tornado that got called "HE" did really make me mad along with nervous-anxious-sick to my stomach. It was the first day of our 9 day stretch of tornadoes so we weren't expecting "HIM". I had just gotten both boys down for their nap and Jake was out mowing the yard. I noticed the weather look like it might get bad and told Jake he should come in because it was lighting. He lingered and we stayed outside chatting about how weird the clouds were. The weird clouds were very fluffy and starting to blow in a circle. These clouds were only about 30 feet high and seemed to be above our neighbors house. All of the sudden a funnel cloud! I of course SCREAMED and ran to get my boys. We grabbed the boys and then ran back down to the basement (so very thankful to have a basement). We looked out once more and saw it higher in the sky with debris swirling around everywhere. If "HE" had decided to touch down instead of jump over our neighborhood there would have be no way we would have been able to make it to the boys and then back down to the basement. I was so nervous I felt like I had developed a stomach ulcer in seconds. A hail storm began soon after our sighting and lasted 30 minutes with golf ball sized hail. It was L O U D! So not only was I M-A-D that I had to see the darn tornado before I heard the warning sirens but I was also very M-A-D that the darn thing had to hit during nap. Spencer, bless his soul, asked to go back to nap when it was all over. Campbell decided he was fine with 15 minutes of sleep....uuugg!!
The irony of it all...that morning I found this in the playroom....

and I said "It looks like a TORNADO came through this room!" So Spencer was asking about tornadoes all morning. Thankfully these two mini tornadoes did the most damage to our house.
The real twister just completely hammered my sweet red pepper plant that had one little pepper on it. I was sad, but very greatful after we saw what happed to other parts of our town!
I probably would have killed the plant on my own given a little more time. This way it's not my fault!!

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